The (very) Simple Dicom Reader (SDR) is a beta version and currently not much more than an opportunistic ad hoc solution for converting DICOM image series to OGLES volume data files. It is littered with bugs and glitches. SDR is supposed to read an ordered series of equidistant DICOM slices. It then creates an isometric voxel volume, which can be saved in *.rub (char), *.raw (short int), or *.hdr (old Mayo Clinic Analyze) data format. These volume files can be used as arguments in OGLE
script files.
Features |
- Simple Dicom directory preview and file selection
- Generats isometric volumes from equidistant Dicom series
- Converts Dicom series to rub, raw, and old Analyze files
- Simple merging and modulation of two data sets
- Extendable open source code
- Code portable to most systems
Development Status |
SDR is a beta version!
has not been released and has not yet received any regulatory approval.
Limitations: |
SDR suffers from severe limitations, including:
- one acquisition is expected to be in one folder, with file names reflecting acquisition time
- no mechanism to read non equidistant slices
- depth distortion in many datasets (Please avoid oblique MR slices!)
- no sorting of different DICOM series
- no DICOM network support
- output formats limited to Analyze, raw, and rub
- output size options limited to full, half, and quarter size.