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by Johannes A. Koeppen


Accompanied by:
The Simple


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Supported Platforms
Ogles is written in C and uses the OpenGL/Mesa API as well as the GLUT and GLUI libraries, which are available on all major platforms. Ogles is therefore highly portable. Ogles has been compiled with hardware acceleration under GNU/Linux, Irix 6.5, Cygwin, and M$ Win95 or higher.

Required Libraries

In order to compile Ogles you need to have following libraries up and running on your system:

  • OpenGL, which comes with GNU/Linux, Irix, Cygwin, and M$Win 95 (OSR2) or later M$ operating systems. As a free software alternative Mesa (http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/) should be considered.
  • Glut (http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/)
  • Glui (http://sourceforge.net/projects/glui/)
The intentions of freeglut (http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/) are undoubtedly good. But freeglut still sucks, and it's getting worse from release to release. The free software worlds adopts it headily! So it comes, that we need to init glut with ill defined options, when freeglut is used.

Some platform specific builds of Glut- and Glui- libraries are provided in the 'Ogles\ogles-0.5.0\src\troubleshooters' directory. These libraries are not complete, and won't fit in all environments.

File Tree

Ogles comes as sources, example data, and M$ binaries
It is recommended to preserve the directory structure:

... /Ogles /ogles-0.7.2 /src




/sdr-0.4.3 /src




Edit Makefile and Make-cfg-linux to meet your system. Run 'make -f Makefile'.

Currently (2007) Cygwin from http://cygwin.com seems to be a mess. Get a Cygwin iso file of a 2005 release (http://www.beanblossom.in.us/i210/Cygwin_Installer.iso) and a M$ Windows iso reader (http://www.7-zip.org/). Install Cygwin, and make sure to have Glui up and running. Then edit Makefile and Make-cfg-cygW32, or Make-cfg-cygXWin respectively to meet your system. Run 'make -f Makefile'.

SGI, Irix 6.5
Because of SGI's restrictive licence policy, Ogles could not be compiled with MIPS CC. If your system requires the old 32 bit architeture (mapi=o32) gcc- is needed. gcc-3.x works fine for mapi=n32.
Edit Makefile and Make-cfg-irix-o32 or Make-cfg-irix-n32 to meet your system.
Note that SGI Octane2 and Fuel systems allow for '-DLINE_SMOOTH_INIT=1', SGI O2 systems require '-DLINE_SMOOTH_INIT=0'.
Run '/usr/freeware/bin/gmake -f Makefile'.

M$ VC++
M$VC++ 6.0 sp5:
Load the ogles.dsp workspace in the m$vc6 directory.
M$VC++ 8.0:
Load the ogles.sln solution in the m$vc8 directory.
Make sure that M$ VC++ can find the Glut and Glui include and library files.

Make sure to have set your display to 24 bit color depth (true color), and get as much RAM as you can (with 1 GB RAM you still need 1.5 GB swap space).


Sept. 03, 2008, Johannes A. Koeppen, koeppen@neuranse.com