The Simple Dicom Reader (SDR) can be controlled by a graphical user interface only. It does not accept any program arguments. |
Preparation |
SDR expects to read an ordered and equidistant series of DICOM images. Within a series of images SDR will not accept different matrix seizes, images from different series, and scouts.
Suggested Usage |
When started, SDR assumes that a new volume should be created.
To add one or many DICOM slices to that volume you might either:
Use the 'File->Add File(s) to Volume' menu item.
Use the Dicom preview tool ('Tools -> View Directory'). You might want to double click the left mouse button over a Dicom icon to set the windowing. |
Before a series is opened, SDR asks whether the new volume file should contain byte or integer data.
If byte data was selected, SDR presents a windowing dialog.
Some scanners won't save slices with file names reflecting acquisition time. Unfortunately this condition will be perceivable only when (pre-)viewing the data volume. In that case it is advisable to reorder the directory by 'Tools -> Reorder Directory'. The 'Reorder Directory' routine attempts to create an 'ordered' subdirectory with Dicom file names, reflecting slice positions from Dicom header information.
header information is provided in the main window. This information
might be helpful for debugging.
Before saving the volume SDR asks for format information.
example in diffusion tensor imaging it is desirable to modulate one
image series with the information from another series. The 'Viewer and
Merger' provides a simplistic implementation of this modulation for old
Analyze files.