About Ogles2


Ogles2 is a moonlight project of Johannes A. Koeppen in cooperation with the deep brain stimulation team at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE, Germany). Several doctoral fellows contributed to Ogles2 by applying and testing it in their projects. Ogles2 is written in C and C++.


Ogles2 is the successor of Ogles. Ogles in turn was based on Ogle written by Dr. Michael J Gourlay.

Main advances from Ogles to Ogles2 include:


Ogles2 depends haevily on Coin3D libraries (Coin, SoQt, SIMVoleon, and SmallChange, BSD-3 licence). Ogles2 GUI is Qt Release 4.8, Community license (GPL 3 or LGPL 2.1).
Compiled libraries of Coin and Qt for Microsoft Windows are provided in the /build/ogles2_win32_binaries folder.
Please refer to Install for compilation of Ogles2.

Incorporated Software

Ogles2 lives on numerous functions and algorithms provided by many pioneers of the open source community. Authors of algorithms are quoted in the source code.
In addition Ogles2 uses source code of excellent libraries which are compiled into the Ogles2 binary:

Library Author URL License
Carve CSG Tobias Sargeant https://code.google.com/p/carve GPL 2
RBD Common Lib P.B.Davies http://robertnz.net/nm11.htm LGPL 3
NiftiReg Aladin Marc Modal http://cmictig.cs.ucl.ac.uk/wiki/index.php LICENSE.txt
Miniball Bernd Gaertner http://inf.ethz.ch/personal/gaertner/miniball.html GPL 3 or later
MarchingCubes Thomas Lewiner http://zeus.mat.puc-rio.br/tomlew/tomlew_uk.php Open source