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Ogles Usage
Johann Adam Schall von Bell

Script File Details

  Script file basics
  Command line
  Data views
  Graphical controls
  Keyboard controlls
  Script file details

Accompanied by:
The Simple


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A script file is a list of text lines. Each text line begins with a token and might also contain arguments. The token and its arguments indicate an Ogles control setting.
Each data set or frame is associated with a collection of all Ogle settings, i.e. the Ogles state. Each time a new data set or frame is selected, Ogles enters the state specified by the script. Setting affect all data sets or frames following the script lines which established those settings, unless another script line changes those setting. If by using the GUI controls you change some parameter which the script specifies for a given data set or frame, then you tell Ogles to select that data set or frame, then Ogles will override the GUI settings in favor of those specified within the script. Ogles uses scripts primarily for automating animations. Once a script contains all of the settings desired for each data set or frame, then Ogles can process the script without human intervention and output a series of images. Furthermore, scripts can lessen the pain of a crash. By placing all desired parameters into a script, Ogles can jump immediately into the desired state and can produce animation from starting at any point within the script.

# Comment line.

bgColor: r0 g0 b0 [r1 g1 b1]

This specifies the red, green and blue components, as real values between 0 and 1, for the background color. If present, then r1 g1 b1 specify the color of the top, and r0 g0 b0 specify the color of the bottom.

colormapGamma: gamma

This specifies the gamma correction value, as a floating point number, to use for all colormaps.

decorations: list_of_decoration_flags

This specifies whether to draw various decorations such as axes, subset bounding box and full domain bounding box. Accepted values include axes, no_axes, subset_box, no_subset_box, bounding_box, no_bounding_box.

projection: <projection_token>


Transform: { <Transform_description> }

This token specifies the transformation matrix used when rendering a data volume set. The Transform description can provide scales, translation and Euler rotation angles. The default attribute specifies no transformation. Note that Ogles separates the ``scaleFactor'' values into an aspect ratio times an overall scale. The aspect ratio part is such that the largest scale factor is 1. Use the optional fourth argument of scaleFactor to set the overall scale. The ``angles'' transformation speuler angles (in degrees), which Ogles defines as the rotation about the object x-, y- and z-axes, in that order.

The scaleFactor is not recognized by the slicer display.

Transform: { scaleFactor 0.5 0.5 1.0 }
Transform: { scaleFactor 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.0 }
Transform: { translation -15 -15 -20 }
Transform: { angles 30 60 90 }

windowSize: xsize ysize

This token specifies the render window size, in pixels. Note that the main graphics window also includes a status bar, which takes up space in addition to the window size specified here. In other words, windowSize specifies the size of the rendered image only.

windowSize: 640 480

<N1xN2xN3> <volume_file> [<volume_file> ...]

"N1xN2xN3'' indicates the dimensions of the data volume and "volume_file'' is its filename. A volume file is stored as a binary file containing a sequence of bytes, or integers, one for each voxel. There are N1xN2xN3 voxels all together. The voxels are ordered by first counting along the x-axis, followed by the y-axis and lastly along the z-axis.

If multiple volume files are presented in one line then they are considered to be color components of one volume.

example 1:
256x256x128 red_component.dat green_component.dat blue_component.dat

Please note that if three color component files are presented, the line
"dataView: Opacity_Renderer colormap.type = COLORMAP_FULL_COLOR"
must preceed.

If multiple volume files are presented in consecutive lines then they are considered to be different grey value volumes.

example 2:
256x256x128 my_data_file_01.rub
512x512x24 my_data_file_02.raw

Ogles will read 'my_data_file_01' as unsigned byte - and 'my_data_file_02' as integer - grey values volumes. Please note that if three color component files are presented, the line
"dataView: Opacity_Renderer colormap.type = COLORMAP_FULL_COLOR"
must not preceed. Also see the"-raw_datafile" and "-rub_datafile" entries in the section above called "Command line options".


Please not that Ogles exspects isometric volume file and will neither check for errors in voxel dimension nor correctly handle data types other then byte, integer and float.


Set voxel (3d pixel) size in mm. This option is allows for millimetric measurements in *.raw and *.rub data files or when pixel dimensions are not provided with the Analyze header file.

-isometric-voxel-size 0.42


Sept. 03, 2008, Johannes A. Koeppen, koeppen@neuranse.com